
TorchBlaze is a pip-installable command line tool and Python package, that provides a suite of functionalities to perform end-to-end ML using PyTorch. TorchBlaze was designed to fast-track things when it comes to deploying ML models online, thus allowing the developer to focus on what matters the most— Ensuring that their models give a high inference accuracy.

Once that is done, you can use TorchBlaze's easily tweakable templates to quickly create APIs for your ML models. Whether you want to deploy on Heroku or create a Docker Image, everything is just a few commands away!

The following are the set of functionalities provided by the TorchBlaze:#

  • Flask-API Template: Set up the basic PyTorch project sturcture and an easily tweakable flask-RESTful API with a single CLI command. Deploying your ML models has never been so easy.

  • ML Model Test Suite: The package comes with a built-in test suite that evaluates your PyTorch models over a series of tests that look for any errors that otherwise might not be traceable easily.

  • Test ML API: Once you have set up your API, use the automated tests to test all the API end-points, ensuring that you get the expected results, before pushing your API to deployment.

  • Dockerizing: A simplified, single-command, easy dockerization for your ML API.

Getting Started with TorchBlaze#

Installing TorchBlaze#

Install TorchBlaze from PyPI using the following command:

foo@bar:~$ pip install torchblaze

This will install the latest version of torchblaze on your system.


Dockerizing the project, or deployment to Heroku requires Docker and Heroku CLI installed on your system.

Installing External Dependencies#

To install Docker on your system, you can follow these guides:

Install Docker Engine on Linux: Official Documentation

Install Docker Desktop on Windows: Official Documentation

Install Docker Desktop on Mac: Official Documentation

Installing Heroku CLI#

For deploying your ML API on Heroku, you need to install the Heroku CLI. Note that the required Heroku Procfile gets generated at the time of generating a project template using TorchBlaze.

Install Heroku CLI: Official Documentation